The Council on Animal Affairs (Raad voor Dierenaangelegenheden RDA) is an independent Dutch council of experts that gives the Minister of Agriculture, Fisheries, Food Security and Nature solicited and unsolicited advice on multidisciplinary issues in the field of animal welfare and health (more)
Advisory reports, annual reports, brochures, starting documents, internship reports and more
The Council on Animal Affairs (Raad voor Dierenaangelegenheden RDA)
Contact the RDA team
04-03-2025 | 10:14
The Council on Animal Affairs (Raad voor Dierenaangelegenheden) is interested in how people look at animals and whether trends ...
29-06-2022 | 18:19
In February 2021 the Minister of Agriculture, Nature and Food Quality requested an advice on the preconditions for animals to ...
10-11-2021 | 09:00
The Dutch Council on Animal Affairs considers issues around the growing of human organs, tissues and cells in animals for ...