Dr. ir. H.H. (Hank) Bartelink
Image: ©RDA

Dr. ir. H.H. (Hank) Bartelink

Nature conservation
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Hank Bartelink is director of LandschappenNL, an alliance of provincial nature conservation organizations, together owning and managing over 110.000 hectares of nature reserves (including forests), estates, and arable land. LandschappenNL takes care of the interests of the provincial organizations at the national level (lobbying, networking). Bartelink is also member of the (Dutch) Board for Plant Varieties, and board member of a number of smaller foundations on nature conservation and/or forest management. He holds an MSc-degree and a PhD-degree from Wageningen University (forestry, production ecology). Earlier in his career he worked for nearly 20 years at Wageningen University, as an assistant-professor at the department of Forest Ecology & Management and as a director of the Wageningen Educational Institute of Environmental Sciences.