Councilors - Aims and activities of the Council
32 persons
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Dr. Ir. K. (Karel) de Greef
Prof. dr. M.A.M. (Martien) Groenen
Professor Animal Breeding and Genetics
Prof. dr. ir. J.A.P. (Hans) Heesterbeek
Drs. G. (Gerrit) Hofstra
First Secretary Dibevo
H. (Hans) Huijbers
Chairman ZLTO
Prof. dr. M.F.M. (Merel) Langelaar
Vice Dean of Veterinary Medicine
Dr. L.J.A. (Len) Lipman
Dr. ir. B.G. (Bastiaan) Meerburg MBA
Head of Bayer Innovation Center Wageningen
Drs. F.E. (Frank) Rietkerk
Zoological Director
Mr. C.W. (Léon) Ripmeester