Councilors - Aims and activities of the Council
32 persons
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Prof. dr. ir. T.B. (Bas) Rodenburg
Ir. G.C. (Gijsbert) Six
Owner of Six Studio and member working Platform for the small-scale sheep and goat farmers
Drs. M. (Marjan) Slob
Writer Columnist Moderator
Prof. dr. G.R. (Geert) de Snoo
Professor of Conservation Biology
Mr. drs. J. (Jan) Staman
Prof. dr. ir. J.C.M. (Hans) van Trijp
Professor of Marketing and Consumer Behavior
Dr. H.A.P. (Bert) Urlings
Corporate director quality assurance and public affairs
Dr. J.B.F. (Jan) van der Valk
Former Chief of 3Rs-Centre Utrecht Life Sciences
J. (Jeannette) van de Ven
Portfolio manager Healthy Animals
Drs. F.A.L.M. (Frank) Verstappen