M. (Milou) Peperkamp BSc, MSc
Image: RDA

M. (Milou) Peperkamp BSc, MSc

Strategic advisor
Sustainability of dairy sector
Place of employment
The Hague
Works at
Schuttelaar & Partners

Milou obtained her bachelor's degree in International Lifestyle Studies (Trend Research & Concept Creation) at Fontys Hogeschool in Tilburg, and a master's degree in Cultural Anthropology: Sustainable Citizenship at Utrecht University. 

As of January 2022, Milou has been working in the Food Transition team of strategic consultancy and communication agency Schuttelaar & Partners. She focuses on making the agro and food sector (specifically the dairy sector) more sustainable throughout the whole chain. For her, the political, social and commercial landscape is inextricably linked to that mission.