Frauke Ohl, authoritative, unifying, granting space to both reason and emotion.

On 28 January 2016 Frauke Ohl, professor at the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine of Utrecht University and Chair of the Council on Animal Affairs, passed away after a brief illness. Her death comes as a blow to both institutions and to her many colleagues and contacts.

A memorial service in memory of Frauke was held in the town of Austerlitz, Province of Utrecht, on 5 February 2016. This event was attended by a large number of people and, together with speakers from all areas of Frauke’s life, it reflected the huge amount of affection and esteem that she had created in the course of her life.

This joint publication by the Council on Animal Affairs and the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine contains not only a journalistic account of her life but also a full reproduction of the orations held on that day.

So that Frauke will never be forgotten.