Animal Procedures for the Livestock Sector
The Central Authority for Scientific Procedures on Animals (Centrale Commissie Dierproeven, CCD) regularly experiences dilemmas when deciding on animal procedures for the livestock sector.
Download "Animal Procedures for the Livestock Sector: The Importance of Animal Welfare, Sustainability and a Research Chain Approach (Full report)"
Download "Animal Procedures for the Livestock Sector: The Importance of Animal Welfare, Sustainability and a Research Chain Approach (Summary)"
Some research proposals focus only on short term benefits for the industry; focusing on problems which might disappear anyhow when the production system is adjusted to (new) sustainable standards. However, in some cases animal procedures do benefit the animal species concerned. Do we abort possible improvements for animals, waiting for future systems which are unsure? Such dilemmas prompted the then Dutch Minister of Agriculture to put a number of questions to the Council on Animal Affairs (Raad voor Dierenaangelegenheden, RDA).