
46 publications

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  1. Humane Livestock Farming

    In 2021 the Minister of Agriculture, Nature and Food Quality asked the Council to formulate an opinion that addresses the needs ...

    Publication | 18-11-2021

  2. Memorandum on growing human organs in animals for transplant purposes

    The Council on Animal Affairs has conducted an inventory of the issues around the growing of human organs, tissues and cells in ...

    Publication | 10-11-2021

  3. Animal welfare is a blind spot in discussions about circular agriculture

    On 25 June, RDA chairman Jan Staman gave a presentation on the consequences of the transition towards circular agriculture for ...

    Publication | 12-07-2021

  4. Care of young animals

    Publication | 25-01-2021

  5. Care of Young Animals

    Publication | 25-01-2021

  6. Conceptual Framework Animal Welfare

    The Council on Animal Affairs advises on multidisciplinary issues concerning animal welfare and animal health, either on request ...

    Publication | 16-12-2020

  7. Animal Welfare in Circular Agriculture

    Animal welfare, dutch council on animal affairs, circular agriculture, RDA, Imke de Boer

    Publication | 07-08-2020

  8. Animal Welfare in Circular Agriculture

    Video | 07-08-2020

  9. The State of the Animal in the Netherlands

    The State of the Animal, Dutch Council on Animal affairs, public survey

    Publication | 05-08-2020

  10. Weighing Wildlife Welfare

    The position of animals in the wild and the form in which society should organise responsibility for their welfare is a topic of ...

    Publication | 08-07-2020