
40 publications

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  1. Annual report Council on animal affairs (RDA) 2016

    The Council on Animal Affairs (RDA) has had a particularly productive year. We have been working on the intention expressed ...

    Annual report | 20-04-2017

  2. Horse Markets in the Netherlands

    Horse markets in the Netherlands

    Publication | 14-03-2017

  3. Getting our Teeth into Dog Bites

    Getting our teeth into dog bites

    Publication | 21-02-2017

  4. Managing the Stray Cat Population

    Managing the Stray Cat Population

    Publication | 29-06-2016

  5. In memoriam of Frauke Ohl Authoritative, unifying, granting space to both reason and emotion

    In memoriam of Frauke Ohl

    Publication | 12-05-2016

  6. Assessment Framework for Production Animals

    Assessment Framework for production animals

    Publication | 01-04-2016

  7. Condensed Advisory Report on ten means used to capture and kill birds

    Condensed Advisory Report on ten means used to capture and kill birds, tien hulp vang- en dodingsmiddelen vogels,

    Publication | 01-03-2016

  8. Antibiotic policy in animal husbandry: effects and perspectives

    Antibiotic policy in animal husbandry: effects and perspectives

    Publication | 01-03-2016

  9. One Health a policy assessment framework

    One Health a policy assessment framework

    Publication | 08-02-2016

  10. Frauke Ohl, authoritative, unifying, granting space to both reason and emotion.

    On 28 January 2016 Frauke Ohl, professor at the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine of Utrecht University and Chair of the Council on ...

    Publication | 05-02-2016