45 publications
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Animal assisted interventions. Welfare of humans and animals?
Advisory report Animal Assited Interventions. Welfare of Humans and Animal? Dierbare hulpverleners, Welzijn voor mens en dier
Animal Procedures for the Livestock Sector
The Central Authority for Scientific Procedures on Animals ( Centrale Commissie Dierproeven, CCD) regularly experiences dilemmas ...
Invertebrates as production animals
Advisory Report The Emerging Insect Industry, Invertebrates as production animals
Fish Welfare
Advisory report Fish Welfare
Animal welfare for sale!
The wish to improve animal welfare in livestock farming is broadly shared in Dutch society. Achieving this through the market ...
Annual report Council on animal affairs (RDA) 2016
The Council on Animal Affairs (RDA) has had a particularly productive year. We have been working on the intention expressed ...
Horse Markets in the Netherlands
Horse markets in the Netherlands
Getting our Teeth into Dog Bites
Getting our teeth into dog bites
Managing the Stray Cat Population
Managing the Stray Cat Population
In memoriam of Frauke Ohl Authoritative, unifying, granting space to both reason and emotion
In memoriam of Frauke Ohl