40 publications
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Annual report Council on animal affairs (RDA) 2015
The year 2015 was a distinctive year for the Council on Animal Affairs. It was the year in which an evaluation was delivered on ...
Visible change Biotechnology and animal exhibitions
Are there ethical or societal considerations that necessitate the creation of new laws or regulations that set down whether ...
Annual report Council on animal affairs (RDA) 2014
Annual report Council on animal affairs (RDA) 2014
Requirements for Keeping Animals
Requirements for Keeping Animals
Annual report Council on animal affairs (RDA) 2011-2013
Annual Report 2011-2013 Raad voor Dierenaangelegenheden (counsil on animal affairs)
Duty of Care, Naturally
Duty of Care, Naturally
Breeding and Reproductive Technologies
Breeding and Reproductive Technologies
Moral issues and public policy on animals
Moral issues and public policy on animals
Responsible Animal Keeping
Responsible Animal Keeping
Visibly better: The role of the veterinarian in the public interest
Visibly better The role of the veterinarian in the public interest